Business Leaders Forum is a regional Central & Eastern European platform for leaders of responsible and sustainable companies.
Join the ranks of companies that care about people and the planet and want to generate long-term benefits for their stakeholders. Get inspired by the advantages of an ethical and transparent approach in practice. We will help you to meet the principles of sustainability and ESG in your company.
Become our member and help us create a more sustainable corporate environment in the Czech Republic.
1st Association of Responsible Business Leaders in the Czech Republic
Over 500 graduates of professional development programs
30+ years of experience
6 years of existence of the only conference on ESG leadership in CEE
Ochrana biologické rozmanitosti: význam, regulace a dobrá praxe
Autorka článku: P. Al-Madhagi, 26. listopadu 2024 Více než polovina světové produkce závisí na přírodě. Ztráta stanovišť, nadměrné využívání zdrojů, změna klimatu, znečištění a invazivní
Trofej na bázi mycelia: ekologická a funkční
Na 7. ročníku konference ESG Leadership se 16. září 2024 konalo vyhlášení vítěze ocenění Czech Sustainability Leader Award. Vítězka Zuzana Holá získala kromě titulu historicky
Komentář Evy Nedeľkové k otázce „Jak mohou firmy pomoct předcházet budoucím povodňovým situacím?“
ESG leadership 2024, jedna z největších konferencí zabývajících se problematikou udržitelnosti v podnikání, se konala na pozadí probíhajících povodní. A ty se tak přirozeně staly
Join us and take advantage of the following benefits:
You will receive our full support and expertise in formulating an ESG strategy, tackling sustainable projects or creating corporate sustainability reports.
Your company achievements will be visible, and we will raise public awareness of your sustainability events and initiatives.
You will be involved in unique projects with a broad media reach.
You will get an overview of ESG news and trends on the domestic and global level.
We will provide you with exclusive membership events and the BLF Academy to broaden your horizons and enable you to advance in sustainability.
Your company achievements will be visible, and we will raise public awareness of your sustainability events and initiatives.
You will draw inspiration from abroad with CSR Europe and other global partners.
You will be involved in unique projects with a broad media reach.
We will connect you with other prominent Czech and foreign companies.
You will get an overview of ESG news and trends on the domestic and global level.
You will increase corporate sustainability in the Czech market and become a sustainable business leader.
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Sign up for our newsletter, and you will not miss new ESG projects, events or regulations.